Are our intimate messages protected?
When asked if our intimate messages through the various messaging applications were protected, several experts agree that this is impossible.
And as we all know today, there are different ways to undermine any system that is supposed to protect us. A computer security expert named Baptiste Robert wrote: "From the moment we communicate with someone our messages can always be filmed or screenshooted. ».
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A sad reality that anyone using a digital service can confirm. In other words, no matter what methods or means are deployed, it is clear that our sensitive messages cannot be 100% protected, or even can't even be protected. And several public figures can testify, for example of the former candidate of the LREM, in the municipal elections of Paris, Benjamin Griveaux who recently paid the price.
The story of this man is quite mundane when you know that this comes in the wake of a scandal over the broadcast of video exchanges Sexual. On Friday the 14th this the last declare. "A website social networks have relayed vile attacks involving my life private. »
Privacy is a fundamental right enshrined in the constitution. However, certain actions carried out on the cover of this same private life may be punished according to the penal code. This is an example of disseminating intimate content through public news networks. Although there are many methods to save users of smartphones or other digital devices from any leak that could jeopardize their privacy, none of them so far are truly effective. Not even the famous automatic destruction of messages. Unfortunately, this is what did not work for Benjamin Griveaux. While it opted for this kind of feature using Messenger, Facebook's messaging app, it was totally ineffective when it was not accompanied by other features such as blocking screenshots or instant sharing. Because any content sent to another individual be recovered even after the self-destruct of that message. And this in most cases, at the expense of the person concerned.
Some apps such as the messaging service Telegram, as features, the automatic self-destruction of but also blocking screenshots and recording. However, as is well known, these measures are not sufficient because there are other applications to circumvent this kind of prohibition. "If the no one you're trading with is ill-intentioned, nothing is impossible, says a cybersecurity expert contacted by L'Express media. Just use a modified Telegram client that allows screenshots or install an Android emulator on a computer – which will simulate a phone, at least the apps – and record the conversation from computer or, more simply, film your phone's screen to another phone. ».
So that deal with this problem. Baptiste Robert, a computer security researcher, will note: "You have to have absolute confidence in the receiver or simply not share intimate or sensitive documents electronically. ». This seems to be the only possible conclusion to this kind of problem.
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