Promutuel and cybersecurity: an insurance issue
With the proliferation of computer attacks, cyber insurance has been a great success.
However, not all suppliers are apparently in a way to satisfy their customers. This is unfortunately the case for Promutuel Insurance. Unfortunately, it continues to worry the cyber-damage insurance industry. Especially when she herself is hit by a computer attack. The insurance company can only offer a minimal service lately. And this by going through its Facebook platform.
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"We are monitoring the situation at Promutuel, especially since computer security is an issue that is taken very seriously in the insurance industry," says Pierre Babinsky, Director of Communications at the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), who is the representative of the insurers for damage and liability.
"When an insurer is affected by a cyberattack, it is very important that it takes whatever steps it deems necessary with its specialists t[en sécurité informatique]o ensure the integrity and security of its network, and to protect its customers' data.
"An insurer affected by a cyberattack must take steps to restore and maintain essential services to its customers. It is his responsibility to be able to respond to policyholders in the event of a claim, with priority placed on more serious claims that, for example, prevent policyholders from using their vehicle or living in their homes. he adds.
In our case here, that is, that of Promutuel Insurance, "We received a few calls to our information centre from Promutuel customers who were inconvenienced by the situation, which we directed to the insurer's information contacts for special follow-up," notes Mr. Babinsky. He later stated: "In the meantime, he continues, the information posted on Promutuel's website should be used to reassure customers that their insurance coverage remains valid and that action has been taken towards a possible return to normalcy. ».
As for the RCCAQ, the RCCAQ Group of Insurance Brokerage Firms, which brings together nearly 3,000 insurance brokers across nearly 400 offices, it has been observed that Promutuel Insurance has shown signs of continuity of information "satisfactory in the circumstances" since its system suffered a breakdown.
"Contrary to what seems to be perceived among direct-selling policy[sans courtier]holders, insurance brokers who do business with Promutuel have not felt left behind. They continued to have access to their client's account and insurance contract information at Promutuel," said Mathieu Brunet, chairman of the RCCAQ board of directors, who is also the director of a brokerage firm in Laval.
On the side of the Access to Information Commission, and the AMF Financial Markets Authority, the main regulator of the insurance industry in Quebec, it was stated that "the situation at Promutuel has caused a few calls for questions and requests for information from our assistance service."
"Our monitoring of the situation at Promutuel remains very tight because the AMF is very aware of the impact this can have on customers" of the insurer, said Sylvain Théberge, the AMF's senior spokesman.
"This is a very serious situation where the Authority has quickly established exchanges with Promutuel to ensure that the required follow-ups are carried out, that services can be restored as soon as possible and that members a[de la mutuelle]nd customers are protected. he adds.
Meanwhile, on the side of the authority responsible for enforcing the law on the protection of personal data in Quebec, namely the Commission on Access to Information, the situation of Promutuel Insurance is of great concern.
To the extent that Promutuel Assurance has not made a "statement of information security incident", the administrative authority responsible for the protection of personal data in Quebec claims to have carried out certain investigations with the aim of "knowing whether the situation is under control and whether the persons [par une fuite de leurs renseignements]affected have been notified", as stated by the commission's spokeswoman, Isabelle Gosselin.
In other words, the commission wants to ensure that the insurance company is able to minimize the harm caused by the computer incident.
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