Trend Micro's approach to cybercrime in 2020
The Japanese-born computer security firm is talking about these IT security forecasts for 2020.
His concern is particularly focused on different forms of cyber threats, from old to new. "Detecting and countering such sophisticated attacks by professional cyber criminals in time is a major challenge (…) Threats that combine supply chain attacks and the exploitation of specific vulnerabilities are particularly insidious – like the wave of Emotet attacks that have affected many companies in Switzerland since last autumn.
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These types of attacks show how sophisticated strategies professional cybercriminals now use. Richard Werner, Business Consultant at cybersecurity firm Trend Micro, wrote. He is trying to highlight that cybersecurity today is being put to the test, in the face of a certain sophistication of cybercriminal attacks. The computer security company is much more interested in a particular program called Emotet.
Updated in 2014 by Trend Micro, this computer program continues to do more damage. It is recognized as one of the most harmful malware in the world and whose continued development. In just 5 years, Emotet will have caused damage estimated at millions of dollars in terms of the cost of recovering damaged systems. According to experts, such an efficiency of hackers to use this malware is explained by some experience of these cyber-prisoners, the intensive use of useful malware to attack banking systems and to steal sensitive data.
Moreover, the tactics used by cyber criminals are precisely adapted to the computer system used by SMEs, and it may be that in practice some of the hackers are being helped by other specialists. "In addition to its banking Trojan function, Emotet also collects emails in Outlook. The malware spies on the email address books and email communications of its victims. explains Richard Werner. At first, the Emotet malware is disseminated through email addresses used and refined by hackers to send emails that they intercept via spam.
On the other hand, companies has noticed an increase in hacking attempts by the phishing method. There has also been an upsurge in CEO scams. It can then be inferred that data often compromised in a particular attack will be resold to other cyber criminals who will use it for other actions.
In addition to Emotet, your malware is gradually starting to serve. Their dangerousness is no longer to be demonstrated like Trojan Horse Trickbot. More often used to steal sensitive data, this malware is known to use the EternalBlue flaw, to spread through data networks. Also, the hackers who use it, easily manage to spy on their victims.
Beyond the Trojan horse now talking about the Ryuk ransomware. One of the most famous in its class. But before this one, some hackers tended to use other fairly sophisticated and discreet programs that allowed them for a long time to profit from their crime without being truly exposed.
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