The President's Cup, a competition that tests federal and military cyber experts in the United States
« (…) Things like this competition bring people together because the more information we share, the more we can create relationships, the more security we will have as a nation will be strengthened."
Organized by the U.S. Department of Security, The President's Cup is a competition that allows you to confront cybersecurity experts from different departments. The president cup, as it is called, will soon bring together the most daring people from law enforcement and the public administration. The competition will be launched in the next 3 months. Registration is open until September 27.
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like Rob Karas, Vice-Director of the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, the competition concerns all members of the government, not just law enforcement. Also any official who thinks they have enough knowledge of programming or cybersecurity is invited. "The President's Cup cybersecurity competition is a competition to promote identify and recognize the best cybersecurity talent federal workforce," he said in an interview with the Federal News Network. He added: "We are certain that there are great technical talents and we want to identify them. This will give people who may not have the opportunity to show off their skills on a day-to-day basis against some of the best players in the country. So it will be a unique competition for everyone. ».
It's in the last 4 months that the Department of Homeland Security came up with the idea of creating its own competition. This is rooted in the decree signed by US President Donald Trump in May dealing with effective cybers.
the competition will be organized in 3 rounds. Competitors who will be composed at the individuals and teams. They will do their participations in the first 2 rounds at a distance. participants will have to respond to Jeopardy, which is an environment made up of challenges and questions. "It's could be a scientific police question or an answer question to an incident or a question that requires (…) It won't be a yes/no or a filling in the kind of empty question," Rob Karas said.
he was added that only 100 candidates will be selected to participate in the second round. The second one will be more difficult. and only 10 candidates will be selected for the final phase. The third stage includes two events as Rob Karas has meant. "Everything will be based on the framework of the National Education Initiative CyberSecurity Institute (NICE) of the National Institute of Standards and technology and will be linked to it (…) One of the concepts we are developing is currently the simulation of a nuclear facility. The teams will be assigned to a nuclear facility, something is not working properly and they need to understand what is going on, diagnose it and get away with it. »
It should also be noted that the President Cup is not open to academics or entrepreneurs. Private government-providing companies and individuals who are not government agents are totally excluded from the competition. Rob Karas replies: "It's about recognizing cyber criminals in government, but it's not just about them. I work with a lot of working groups and various roles and there are a lot of technicians. In the future, we need to think that cybersecurity is everyone's job, not just a small group. »
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