The Recommendations of the National Digital Council on Digital Identity
"Digital Identities: Keystones of Digital Citizenship" the title of the recent report published by the National Digital Council, produced by specialists, physician takes advantage of nearly 35 recommendations the warnings in 100 pages.
At the time of the introduction of the report, Karine Dognin-Sauze and Mohammed Boumediane were part of the pilot team: "In France, since the creation of the civil registry in 1792, identity management has been a prerogative of the state." Therefore, we had to find a way to try digital identity, to the level of public services per se. It is with this in mind that the report on digital identities would have been carried out. The National Digital Commission, through this document, highlights the need to develop the role of means of identification based on new technologies.While highlighting the importance of the relationship between citizens and government, to create a climate of trust and security in the management of such a device. Especially in the area of privacy.
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The steering team of this report included Karine Dognin-Sauze, Mohammed Boumediane, Gilles Babinet, Olivier Clatz, Gael Duval and Jean-Michel Mis. "The current context requires a fundamental redefinition of the links that bind us individually to the state, but also to others, in what constitutes our model of society and our common values," the report's pilot team explains in their editorial. "Furthermore, we cannot save the impact created by the many recent media cases (Cambridge Anaytica, massive data leaks…) which have affected the trust that citizens place in private identity providers," they continued. But of course, they did not fail to point out that there should be more transparency and clarity in all projects in the field such as ALICEM (mobile digital identity application), the CNIe (national electronic identity card) of the State is included this one. "The lack of communication easily assimilated by the greatest number still too often harms the overall project," stresses Karine Dognin-Sauze and Mohammed Boumediane.
Regarding the status of digital identity, the report highlights the need to transform it as a public service in its own right. This situation will allow us to better understand situations such as transparency or shared governance. "Digital identities – and we hold in the plural – cannot be done without a body of control, nor without involving citizens and elected officials in the governance process." In addition, the steering team also revealed an idea to put in place a law of orientation on the issue of digital identity. As we speak, a parliamentary mission is working on this issue. Mission chaired by Marietta Karamanli, Christine Hennion and Jean-Michel Mis. Who will have to produce a report in the coming months. "On shared governance, we want the entire economic ecosystem to be included," says Nathalie Bouarour. It also recalls that this area and still waiting for an organization coming from the government. Especially with complementary services with a regal purpose.
Beyond all this, the report of the security issue. First, it underlines the fact that it is important for the French State to have representatives in international organizations to facilitate the establishment of international standards to benefit the government and the state as a whole. Moreover: "we must involve scientists" according to Nathalie Bouarour. She adds, too. "There are several regulations in terms of security, it is important to involve the scientific community and to set up an audit process and a governance body on shared security."
In addition, security depends on securing citizens' information. The creation of a centralized file is part of many controversies on this issue. For it would be easy to abuse it on the part of the authority. "Our system has the interest of leaving free choice to the citizen. It is a public/private digital identity system, but we believe that there is a training work to be done on all audiences: on computer hygiene and data management so that citizens are able to choose the digital identity that best suits them and to forge that digital citizenship," stresses the rapporteur.
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