Cyber Threats and the Response of Information System Security Managers

Cyber Threats and the Response of Information System Security Managers

April 21, 2021 Off By admin

Recently, an independent study commissioned by the computer security company F-Secure, conducted by Omnisperience, showed that information system security managers are increasingly able to fend off as many computer attacks as they face on a daily basis.

This is in a context where it has been observed that computer hacking methods are evolving and sophisticated.

The investigation involved more than 28 interviews with information systems security officials in two countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. "These professionals have described their work as an ongoing struggle against the repeated onslaughts of hackers. They spoke of a fragmented work environment, a "security debt", and the need to continuously redefine the contours of effective security. the report read. "RSSI is keen to highlight the difference between a cyber attack and a cyber incident, so that the press and cyber security providers can clearly distinguish. ».

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Indeed, a cyberattack, in other words a computer attack extinguishes the set of processes aimed at violating the security rules established for the backup of the system. The aim is, of course, to undermine the integrity of the computer system, its availability or the access of that system. On the other hand, a cyber incident and the realization of an infringement, confirmed by an objective observation.

In addition, the security official mentioned that the number of computer attacks ok they have to resume has been increasing for some time, precisely in the last 18 months. With regard to cyber incidents, the number has really increased, and these cases are stabilizing. This situation can of course respond to a return on investment that companies have used for some time to strengthen their IT security. However, a very obvious reality must not be overlooked. There are indeed cyber incidents that have not yet been discovered or will unfortunately never be discovered. "Due to the sophisticated nature of some of these attacks, organizations may not have the technology or the right people to identify that they are at the heart of a compromise that may result in the deployment of a ransomware months later. the report states.

In addition, information system security officials highlight three threats in particular:

– Phishing or phishing;

– Ransomware (ransomware or ransomware software);

– BEC (Business Email Compromise) attacks.

However, these do not that you are other threats. in particular:

– Trojans that are particularly aimed at employees in telework;

– Data leaks, usually from outside sources;

– DDoS attacks (denial of services);

– The theft of identifiers/accounts by the method of social engineering or phishing;

– Advanced malware.

Objectively, the weak point is always the human aspect. And of course hackers do everything to take advantage of it because they know it beautiful well.

In addition, 71% of information system security officers also confirmed that the main security flaw in information system protection and human beings. The proliferation of practices such as phishing and social engineering clearly demonstrates that this is obvious to all.

Today, IT security managers can boast of being able to block the majority of phishing attempts through several products that have been developed to meet this particular need. But this is not enough especially in this context of widespread telework.

In addition, "RSSI refers to a 'security debt'. Hackers have advantages over security teams: more time and no regulations to follow. New safety tools, initiatives to lead safety from the outset of new professional projects, and in-house awareness must be priorities, but this is not always the case. According to the RSSI surveyed, the shortcomings of the companies can be explained in particular by budgetary constraints, lack of resources or the priority given to more commercial activities. A company never has the sole purpose of defending its network: it is above all careful to develop its business. On the other hand, cyber criminals pursue only one purpose: the attack. And they put all their efforts into it. explains the F-Secure report.

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