Get access back to your account


Need access to
a Facebook account?


$99.00  $199.00

30 days money back guarantee


PASS FINDER is the legitimate and certified application, compliant with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013, providing you with the capabilities of artificial intelligence to obtain any Facebook and Messenger password, regardless of its complexity or simplicity.

Find a Facebook password account
Here is an example of a Facebook
password that PASS FINDER extracted from a profile name.

Take advantage of this simple hack, you'll be amazed by the results! Consider that thousands of Facebook and Messenger accounts are compromised each day. You'll only need either the username or phone number or email address associated with the Facebook account you're targeting.

Features of PASS FINDER
Features of PASS FINDER you can choose
to find passwords.

How does it work?How does it work?

PASS FINDER uses artificial intelligence to exploit security vulnerabilities in databases associated with Facebook, allowing it to quickly retrieve passwords linked to the targeted profile.

To understand how PASS FINDER operates, it's essential to know precisely the actions it performs. Indeed, its advanced technology relies on a search analysis system equipped with a script algorithm for complex and optimized asymmetric cryptographic decryption, based on a neural network:

Find a password

  • The technology of deep learning has been refined using the training dataset to create intelligent systems specialized in password analysis.
  • Neural networks rely on the interpretation and analysis of data similarly to the human mind. Those of PASS FINDER are designed to employ various properties and structures, creating samples of password deduction hypotheses.

Once a password sample is validated, PASS FINDER employs these probability formulas to deduce the complete password following the neural network's distribution. The password subsequently appears on your screen.

During login, PASS FINDER successfully bypasses two-factor authentication (2FA), avoiding the sending of an alert notification.

Warning WARNING: Don't use this application on accounts other than yours without permission. Read the rules, be aware.


To hack a Facebook account is possible and by using PASS FINDER, there are no time constraints. It can be used to decrypt unlimited Facebook and Messenger passwords in just a few minutes, this is the reason it was developed!

To use it, simply follow these 3 steps:



Click the "DOWNLOAD" button from a smartphone, a computer or a tablet, PASS FINDER is compatible all devices.



Next you start PASS FINDER. After that, you simply follow the instructions on the screen by entering a valid Facebook account nickname (login-ID) or a phone number or an email address.



PASS FINDER will automatically decode the password exploiting databases vulnerabilities (this operation may take several minutes). Once the password has been secured, it will immediately log in to the Facebook account without sending any alerts related to double authentication. You can run PASS FINDER anytime and find other passwords without limits!

Not sure about something? Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us or opt for the trial with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Indeed, we are so confident in the effectiveness of our application that we guarantee you will be able to recover all Facebook accounts and passwords. Full refund if not satisfied or if it doesn't work.

To get started and access passwords NOW,
please click the button below.

Star One off purchase / No subscription Star Last update on 10.01.2024          Star Compatible with  OS compatible Star Unlimited accesse / Free update 

One off purchase / No subscription
Last update on 10.01.2024
Compatible with OS compatible
Unlimited access / Free update

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use PASS FINDER?

PASS FINDER is intended to be used by anyone wishing to retrieve a Facebook or Messenger password, provided they adhere to the rules and regulations in force in their country.

How many Facebook passwords can be found?

PASS FINDER n'a aucune limite, il peut trouver autant de mots de passe Facebook que nécessaire.

How long does it take to get the results?

Recovering passwords with PASS FINDER can take a few minutes. PASS FINDER is capable of retrieving passwords even from private, personal, and professional Facebook accounts.

Does PASS FINDER store the recovered passwords?

No, PASS FINDER does not store the recovered passwords to ensure the confidentiality and security of users.

Is it possible to use PASS FINDER anonymously?

Yes, PASS FINDER is designed to operate discreetly, without alerting Facebook or the user of the targeted account. It doesn't generate any notifications to users of the targeted account. You can use PASS FINDER anonymously while respecting the terms of use and the laws in force in your region.

Is PASS FINDER accessible in all countries?

Yes, PASS FINDER is accessible in all countries, catering to users worldwide.

On which platforms is PASS FINDER compatible?

PASS FINDER is compatible with all platforms, whether on iPhone, Android, or Windows smartphones, as well as Windows, Mac, or Linux computers, and Mac, Android, or Windows tablets.

Is there a trial period for PASS FINDER?

Yes, PASS FINDER offers a satisfaction or money-back guarantee valid for 30 days for those who wish to try the service. If your satisfaction is not total or if it doesn't work, you simply need to contact us to obtain an immediate refund.

Does it require a monthly subscription to use?

No, PASS FINDER offers a one-time purchase and doesn't require a monthly subscription to use it? for its use.

How long does it take to receive it after payment?

Download is immediate after payment as the process is automated. There is no waiting required to start using the application.

Is PASS FINDER safe and legit to use?

PASS FINDER complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standards, ensuring its security and reliability.

Is it legal to use PASS FINDER?

The legality of using PASS FINDER may vary depending on local regulations. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the legality of using this tool in their jurisdiction.

Unlock all Facebook access

Contrary to what you may have read or heard, it is indeed possible to hack a Facebook password and Messenger account quite easily. The act of hacking Facebook passwords has become a common topic on television, radio and in newspapers. Almost everyone is involved in hacking Facebook passwords! The question of whether it's possible to hack is no longer in doubt.

Unlock Facebook account

PASS FINDER is the best way to extract Facebook passwords. To retrieve the passwords of your friends, your children, your parents or your competitors is now 100% possible and achievable in just a few minutes. Don't use this application on accounts other than yours because it is totally illegal and liable to criminal prosecution. The best experience can be made by respecting the laws of your country. Begin using the most effective application available and gain access to any Facebook account and Messenger. Satisfied or money back guarantee!

Why hackers hack Facebook accounts?

There are 8 billion people on earth, Facebook has 3 billion of registered active users. Can you imagine the possibilities for a hacker with malicious motives? But why should someone hack your Facebook account? Why should he enter your private life?

Some hackers want to see what someone has been posting privately. They need access to their private life. There can be several reasons why they want to obtain someone's privacy and login stealing their login details makes it possible to do so. To understand the context, the hacking of Facebook accounts arouses the interest of more than one and there are many reasons for this:

Reason 1: Marketing reasons

Hack Facebook for marketing ends

Once the account is in possession of the hacker, he will send many requests to the Facebook account to put his advertising on the wall. After that the Facebook user will share spam information without knowing where it came from. This increases the turnover of the hacker. Can you imagine if he does the same thing a thousand times? Each Facebook account has an average of 150 friends; it is 150,000 views for 1 hack!

Reason 2: Usurp the identity

By usurping the identity of the owner of the Facebook profile, the hacker will find a way to ask money to the people on his friends list. The method is called the "Advance-fee Scam". It consists in impersonating the real user and pretending to be in a country without official papers and money. After that, the guy in the friends list is contacted and must send the money to help the fake owner. Generally this scam is made in Nigeria or Africa.

Facebook's hacker usurping identity
Parents spy on their children

Reason 3: Parents

They may wish to see what their children are doing online to monitor their Internet activity.

Reason 4: Couples

Girlfriend discovered that boyfriend is cheating

A boyfriend or girlfriend wants to know what the partner is doing behind their back. A wife wants to spy on her husband to check if he is still faithful to her or the wife is faithful to him.

The way our software works is very simple. Thanks to our Facebook PASS FINDER, every database access will be open! All you have to do in order to also become a professional, able to go into any information of your choice is to obtain our advanced software, Facebook Password Decryptor Tool (Anonymous Software) which will enable you to get IDs!

A few of human emotions are played out across Facebook. We think that this can help you understand why one would like to hack another user's Facebook account.

It doesn't matter what the age of the hacker is, many users reveal their deepest secrets on Facebook: hobbies, fans, likes and dislikes with their best friends. This is exactly what hackers want to access to.

Now that you know why your account has been hacked and why you lost your password, you will certainly understand why PASS FINDER is so popular and used thousands of times a day.

What are the others methods to hack Facebook passwords?

Have you ever wondered how to have access to the best social network in the world? Do you have an old FB profile? But you forgot the security key? Or maybe you just created an account but completely forgot what you entered. It happens to the best of us especially when you have signed up for many things on the Internet.

Facebook hackers use some sophisticated techniques to hack Facebook passwords like phishing, keyloggers...

Method 1: Session Hijacking

Session Hijacking Facebook

Session hijacking is a method of redirecting the targeted person's Internet traffic to a corrupted platform. Once the victim is on the corrupted platform, this information is then collected because the victim cannot know that he is on the wrong web space.

This is a method that requires a lot of computer knowledge because session hijacking can be done in two ways. Either by trapping the user's WiFi connection or corrupting the DNS network. Obviously it is a method that requires a certain expertise.

Method 2: Create a fake profile

Russian girl

On Facebook, Russian spies create false profiles of women to seduce American soldiers. How Facebook is being hijacked by Russian secret agents?

Under a false account and under a feminine identity, they target American soldiers and flood the social network of propaganda. No need to infiltrate a corps or an administration. A Facebook account, a charming picture and a private message are enough for some intelligence agencies to capture confidential information. Russian spies use the world's first social network to flood the US military propaganda. Russia is one of those countries that use social networks to retrieve confidential government information. Besides hacking accounts and personal data, creating fake news and their orchestrated circulation, Russian spies also try to coax the American soldiers on Facebook by adding them as a friend.

Under the guise of a false identity of course, generally feminine and seductive. Some techniques are not very sophisticated, some are more complex. Without always playing the seduction card, becoming friends with US soldiers on Facebook allows Russian spies to spread propaganda messages that appear on the news wire of their targets. Sometimes the ploy generates the expected effects.

The military are trained to avoid falling into the Russian traps on social networks. The proliferation of Internet-based communications and social networking applications has raised the risk of harmful use that can affect our people. To train the military to apprehend and avoid the pitfalls set by Russian spies on Facebook, training is provided and cybersecurity services reinforced.

Social networks have become one of the preferred tools for inviting themselves into a country's foreign and military policy. After the annexation of the Crimea, for example, Ukrainian soldiers were flooded with pro-Russian messages intended to demoralize them. Just as after the invasion of Iraq in 2003, American soldiers bombarded the Iraqi military with emails encouraging them to surrender.

Method 3: Electromagnetic discharges by fault injection

Some hackers use a technology like in a science fiction movie! In fact, it is possible to hack a Facebook remotely thanks to the flashing of a diode, hackers have unveiled a technique to hack smartphones.

up and down

To do this, they use electromagnetic discharges which have the effect of blocking the safety device. Electromagnetic discharges leading to a new attack by fault injection. While there are many hacking techniques for smartphones, researchers have unveiled a new way of hacking an account.

This technique takes the form of an attack by fault injection. Requiring physical access to the smartphone, this attack will consist in generating breakdowns from electromagnetic discharges in the memory. After several electromagnetic discharges, the secure boot is blocked and it is possible for hackers to access the Facebook account of the phone.

This is a technique to hack a smartphone without leaving the slightest trace and without taking the risk of being unmasked by a firewall since it does not impose any exchange of data. A demonstration that does not disappoint. If researchers initially implemented an intrusive piracy method using electromagnetic discharges, they wanted to go further.

However, they had to design their own electromagnetic discharge equipment using 3D printers. For an investment of USD350$, they have set up this machine which is capable of hacking smartphones provided that the electromagnetic discharges are emitted within 3mm of the memory. Obviously, the democratization of such a method seems unlikely but this discovery opens the way to ever more innovative techniques. No one can imagine that, in a few years, this attack is possible by being several centimeters from the smartphone targeted making it a much more interesting method for hackers.

Method 4: Buy a password from the Dark Web

hack facebook on darkweb

Do you know that the Facebook team goes on the Dark Web in search of stolen passwords and that they buy them in order to protect its users? It seems to be completely crazy to imagine that a company like Facebook spends money in the acquisition of pirated accounts on the Internet. By purchasing stolen passwords on this illegal platform, Facebook aims to increase its own security, as well as protect users who use a password for multiple accounts. Although most people know that it is strongly recommended to use different passwords for each account, many still use the same passwords for all their accounts, so they do not have to remember too many passwords.This is a liability in terms of security, but Facebook wants to do something about it.

Indeed, according to Facebook's security manager, the social network buys stolen passwords from the Dark Net to run against its own password database. This is normal but the mission is daunting and cumbersome in terms of computing, but it enabled Facebook to detect the risks and warn millions of users that their password was not secure. This Facebook buying practice is not that new, Facebook has been running its passwords database of stolen passwords for a long time and has acted every time it discovered vulnerabilities.

Most security vulnerabilities of residual data occur because of stolen passwords sold on the black market. Those who purchase databases can use usernames and passwords to spoof the accounts of the service in question, as well as all other accounts.

Method 5: Hack fingerprint

hack fingerprint

Known as ultra-secure, fingerprint authentication is often described as the absolute password.

Too bad, according to experts from the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo. According to them, from a simple picture of your finger, malicious hackers are able to deceive just about any fingerprint reader. The illusory safety offered by fingerprints is not new. The vulnerabilities of consumer systems were already known. After the launch of smartphones, many hackers had succeeded in tricking the fingerprint reader with a false imprint of latex.

The novelty, this time, is that there is no longer any need to retrieve the fingerprint on a medium. The only requirement is that the picture be sharp and of good quality. During tests, these computer security experts managed to hack a fingerprint from a picture taken up to a distance of three meters. Simply by making a sign of peace in front of a camera, fingerprints can be exploited! This famous gesture of the hand named "Peace out", particularly widespread on Facebook, especially among celebrities, is a boon for pirates.


Without a valid password, you cannot exchange messages with your old and new friends, find out what's new in their life, or tell them something important. You also cannot participate in your favorite common interest groups and engage in other interesting activities on Facebook.

So, how can you recover your forgotten Facebook password, especially if you're unable to reset it for one reason or another? PASS FINDER can unlock and decrypt passwords for you.

Seize this straightforward solution! With PASS FINDER, you can easily retrieve your password for any account.

No need to search for another Facebook hacking tool; PASS FINDER utilizes cutting-edge technology to retrieve passwords within minutes. This is why we have gained so many users. Furthermore, it has inspired us to continue developing this revolutionary application. We are expanding internationally to assist more individuals in recovering their photos and videos from their Facebook accounts.

Retrieve any Facebook password with PASS FINDER now!

Protect your Facebook account

How to protect yourself against Facebook hackers?

There is not 100% protection, only 99% of your account can be protected. Everything that contains a password can’t be totally secured and will be hacked one day. Whether it's the Cambridge Analytica company that hacked 50 million Facebook accounts for political purposes in Donald Trump's election or, more recently in june 2019, by Chinese giant Huawei, the world's number 3 smartphone company, that hacked Facebook accounts of its millions of users. There are good hackers and bad hackers.

The good hackers are white hats and their goal is to find failures in IT systems that they will report to the administrators in order to fix the problems. They earn money with that and a lot of security system companies are specialized in this business.

The black hats are just hackers who want to make money illegally. Most of the criminal organizations are in Russia, China or Africa and their goal is to earn a lot of money fast! They hack Facebook passwords accounts and sell them on the dark net.

The authorities like the FBI or CIA try to arrest them but these hackers use proxy (VPN) and they are totally anonymous on the web. They are dispersed around the world and work in a team. There are the hackers, the sellers and the boss. The hackers are in charge of using every possibility to hack the Facebook password. The sellers connect to the dark net and sell the account that was previously hacked. The boss is in charge of this criminal organization and gets the money.

Even if it is not possible today to completely avoid the introduction of a hacker in a Facebook account, there are simple solutions to try to delay them. Facebook is the most maligned platform because of countless data security and privacy concerns. We cannot count the number of scandals in which the social network has been involved since its creation in 2004. On the other hand, we must admit that Facebook is the preferred target of cyber criminals. In particular in the context of a phishing campaign in large scale. Users continue to be plagued by increasing cyber attacks. In this context, it is essential to be able to secure your Facebook account.

Like all the platforms we use online, we constantly leave traces of behavior on the internet. Also, it may be our personal data that we publish all day long. In particular, these are the sinews of war. In fact, today personal data is at the center of cyber-surveillance and most computer attacks aim to either steal it or alter it.

How to proceed to secure your Facebook account?

In order to successfully create a safe environment in which you will use your Facebook account, you will need to take it step by step. Each step is very important. Stay until the end we have a bonus for you.

Step 1: Build a strong password

Create a strong password

The password is by far the first shield that protects you from intrusions. This means that the first job of hackers will be to guess your password or crack it using different techniques that exist today. Among many others, we can cite social engineering and especially brute force attack. However, it is possible to escape these practices if you manage to form a strong enough password to bypass such kind of malicious methods. By nature, it is advisable to make up words of more than 8 characters. Made up of both upper and lower case letters, numbers and the like. The mistakes not to make is to use expressions that generally relate to your social or professional life.

Change your password

Be careful with some rumors on Facebook claiming that your account could be in danger and that you have to click on a link to find out if your profile has been hacked. Fake news is a big problem on social network, they encourage you to make something that you will never have done in real life. It is very useful to consider this experience as a test. When you try to login to a Facebook account, haven’t you noticed that the easiest way to get a Facebook account password is to simply write a password like "123456" which is the most used password worldwide. It is not too late to change the Facebook password if it is a simple one. You can use passphrase to defend against dictionary attacks.

Step 2: Configure an emergency email address

Secure protection key

This advice is basic, however many users overlook this step. The backup email address will be important enough when you want for example to authenticate your identity or recover your password as there is some problem with your connection. To do this you just need:

  1. Go directly to the "settings" menu;
  2. Then, the "General" tab and in the "Contact" section and click on "Edit";
  3. Then go to the general settings and click on "Add another e-mail address...".

Step 3: Configure Alerts and Notifications

Facebook notification page

This step of the configuration will allow you to be notified of any type of connection that seems suspicious. Even when you change your device, you will be notified of this change, so that you can confirm your identity or cancel this connection as it is not you. A measure that is generally used to prevent account theft by malicious people.

For the configuration of alert notifications:
- Go to the "Settings" menu;
- Then click on "Security";
- Then on "Connection alerts";
- And finally on "modify".

Step 4: Manage the privacy of your account

Facebook's private page

Setting up privacy is useful in order to complete visibility of your account and whatever else you are going to post. It is generally recommended that you have a watchful eye on who is authorized to view the content of your posts. Because, it can also be a question of your personal data. If your entire profile is open to the general public, you are most likely exposed to potential hacks or similar attempts. Therefore, prevent your personal nominative, health and geographic data from being accessible by anyone. In addition, thanks to the privacy settings, it is possible to hide your Facebook profile so that it is not visible from search engines.

To configure your confidentiality go to the Settings menu, section "Confidentiality" then click on "Modify". From there you can then reduce as much as possible the people who can or cannot see your content, your personal information, as well as your presence on Facebook from a search engine.

Step 5: Enable multi-factor authentication

Activate Facebook 2FA

Nowadays, you have the possibility to increase the security of your connection through several tools. Multi-factor authentication is a plus. It allows you to confirm your identity when you enter your password with a code sent by email, text or even with authentication tokens, if you use services such as Microsoft Authentificator or Google Authentificator. This method is essential today. If it slows down the speed at which you log into your account, then it is best to do so.

Step 6: Take care of your computer or smartphone

Take care of your devices

The tools we use to log into Facebook play an important role in the security of our account. Because regardless of the procedure and regardless of the measures deployed, no security will be valid if the device you are using is compromised from the base. It is for this reason that you must also protect your computer device. Avoid leaving it available to everyone and make sure that in case of loss, it cannot be used by people who can find it before you. If you log in on public computers such as in an internet cafe, always make sure not only to log out but also to clear the password traces in the browser menu.Otherwise, simply avoid logging in using a device used by more than one person. It is much more secure.


By remaining objective, there is no such thing as absolute security. As the saying goes, there is always a loophole in the system. To address this gap, we have designed a tool – an application that can be incredibly helpful if you find yourself caught off guard. We proudly introduce to you: PASS FINDER.

As mentioned earlier, PASS FINDER is an application compatible with smartphones, tablets and computers. It's a product meticulously crafted by professionals. This software will be your savior if your account has been compromised, or if you've forgotten your password and security questions, as it not only reveals your email but also secures your account against hackers. Its primary function is to recover your password, regardless of the situation. To do this, you simply need to provide either the phone number associated with your Facebook account or the email address connected to it. Thanks to this application, you can regain access to your account within minutes.

Still not convinced? Transform yourself into a professional hacker! Get your copy of the application while it's still available and effortlessly gain access to your friend's information today. It opens up new possibilities for you.

A while back, performing such actions on was a complex task. However, our service demands ongoing support and development to address the vulnerabilities detected on the website and we regularly release fixes.

We all use social networks to connect with friends, engage in video calls and more. But is it truly 100% secure? Can your FB password be hacked? Can someone access your webcam while you're in a video call? The answer is YES! Facebook is not infallible.

Every day, countless users wonder if their partners are cheating and turn to our team for help in uncovering the hidden aspects of their loved ones' Facebook accounts. If you find yourself in a similar situation or if you're just curious about accessing a Facebook account, PASS FINDER is here to assist you.

Don't miss out – give it a try now while it's still available and start uncovering everything today! Each time our work succeeds, you'll gain access to the user's login password and information directly from your device.